Court Street Teacher Spotlight
By: Nora Kushnier
Going into a new semester has lots of people nervous, and excited about the new classes or friends they have in their new courses. But one commonly forgotten topic is how new teachers are adapting to the school. So today we will hear from our two new PE/Health teachers at West.
Our first new teacher is Mr. Legg, has a degree in marketing, but found his true love for teaching. He taught elementary school and as a camp counselor, but this is his first high school teaching experience. He says although teaching the students is different than elementary school kids, our West community is tightknit, and he wouldn’t be anywhere else. Going into the new semester he found it most difficult to keep in mind that students have a lot going on, and trying to keep kids engaged even if they are exhausted at times. His favorite thing about teach at west is getting to know the students and help them in their own ways. Mr. Legg is starting a fitness club during lunch and learn which he is enthusiastic to begin. His words of wisdom are to take care of your mind and body, even why you are going through hard times.
Another new teacher Miss Ott is also going into her first year here at West. She originally thought she was going to become an athletic trainer, but discovered she wanted to become a teacher because of the student’s inspiration. Previously she taught elementary level PE at Springfield Township. She said it was very different from teaching high school, but overall, equally rewarding. One thing she is taking with her into this coming semester is: to make good relationships with her students to make them feel comfortable. She found something difficult during her first semester was lack of participation, but she found music and other methods to encourage kids to get up and moving. When asked if she prefers PE or health, she picks PE although she claimed health is also very important. One final piece of advice she has for students is to not take life seriously and to be happy.
Thank you so much to Miss Ott and Mr. Legg for their willingness to participate in this interview. We wish them the best of luck on their journey teaching at West!