Student Feature: Cassie St. John

Leo Burchell

Senior Cassie St. John was chosen for the Director’s Award for Band during the band’s last concert of the year! Cassie is a dedicated student and band member that always puts a smile on other people’s faces. She is looked up to by many younger students at CB West. I sat down with her to find out more about her experience in music.

Me: What instruments have you played or currently play now?

Cassie: “I have always played and am currently playing the clarinet.”

How long have you been playing the clarinet for?

“I’ve been playing the clarinet since I first got the opportunity to in fifth grade.”

Why did you join the band?

“Initially, I wanted to play in the band because my mom always talked about how she played clarinet in the band at her high school. Once I started playing in the band, I loved the fact that I was able to create music and replicate different songs on my own. Also, being in the band allowed me to play alongside people who cared about something just as much as I did.”

What does winning this award mean to you?

“I never thought I would win an award like this. Although I was always fully involved in band, I always thought there were people who were more dedicated than me. When I got it, I was so happy that I was able to make such an impact on this band and all of the people in it. I’ve always given so much for this band through my role as a section leader and just through my participation and I’m so glad what I’ve done is being recognized!”

Who has supported you throughout your musical career?

“Well, first, I’d have to say my family, especially my brother and sister who came to every concert and performance to support me. I’d also like to say my band teachers throughout the years, from Mrs. Heine, my middle school director, to now with Mr. Delson. They always encouraged me to do more within the band and step outside my comfort zone with things like auditioning for section leader.”

Will you continue your love of music beyond high school?

I am definitely going to keep up with music in college. I’m going to be playing the marching band at a Pitt next year and maybe even the pep bands throughout the year.

Congratulations to Cassie, and good luck at Pitt next year!