The Underground Chess Club

Ethan Maher, Editor

It seems there is a new club at CB West–albeit an unofficial one. It seemingly formed naturally, when Julian Kim (senior) asked Jonathan Zhang (senior) to bring in his portable chess set. Everything just went from there, and now the underground network as upwards of 10 players and 2 chess sets to play on during Lunch and Learn. The club meets any weekday that the members don’t have a different club meeting, usually in Mr. Campione’s room, but you can also find them in Mr. Paglione’s room playing during math club. Without further ado, here is my interview of two of the main players within the network, Jonathan and Julian.

CSP: How was the ‘club’ created?

Julian: “I told Jonny Zhang to bring in his portable chess set and he did and we went from there.”

Jonathan: “Also, OTB [over-the-board] chess is better than”

Julian Kim, aka Jkim

CSP: Why is it not a part of the ‘official’ chess club?

Julian: “The other chess club is fake.”

Jonathan: “Because the official chess club doesn’t run often enough and doesn’t have enough publicity. We have lots of other clubs going on, so we basically are just playing in our spare Lunch and Learn time.”

CSP: Who would win: Jkim or Jonny Zhang?

Julian: “I would have to say myself would win since I am 11-0 OTB. Plus I’m 1-0 in debate, 3-0 in badminton, and 0-0 in ping pong against him.

Jonathan: “I would win. Me. Me. I wasn’t even trying before, I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings before, but I could crush him.”


CSP: Who is the best chess player in the school?

Jonathan Zhang

Julian: “Myself, Bill Z (Zentamayer) or Adean.”

Jonathan: “I say Bill Z”

So, if you’d like to contend Jonathan and Julian’s answers to that last question and join the underground society, come to Mr. Campione’s room on Tuesday Learn 1, or come to Mr. Paglione’s room on Wednesday.