The Organization Specialists

A group of students with the talent of staying organized and time management.


Send any questions for our specialists to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you.


Dear Specialists, 

I am involved in Marching Band and am enrolled in AP Euro.  I know I have to balance my time, but I can’t stop procrastinating.  If I do not get my grade up in that class, my mom will make me drop out of band and I don’t want to do that!  How can I balance my time between my classes and after-school activities? 

-Tommy Tuba


Specialist 1’s answer: 

Hey Tommy! That sounds tough. Luckily, the most important thing is productivity, not time.  Try to prioritize the assignments that are most important, time-consuming, and soon-to-be-due. Make sure you spend your time wisely on the assignments that count! 


Specialist 2’s Answer:

Tommy, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling.  I recommend planning out your week in advance, that way you can take advantage of days where you don’t have band practice to get ahead on schoolwork.  Also, you should put your phone away and limit distractions.  Personally, I turn my phone on “do not disturb” and put it on the other side of my room.  I also recommend getting the screen time widget for your home screen if you have an iPhone.  That way, you can see how much time you wasted on your phone and use that as motivation to spend more time on your studies.


Specialist 3’s Answer:

Hey Tommy! This is a tough problem that many people encounter, and it may feel like you are so overloaded there is nothing you can do. However, as Specialist 2 mentioned, planning out your activities throughout the week can be very beneficial. If that’s too difficult, even making a daily schedule can also be helpful. Try to list out your priorities and figure out which are most important, then do those activities first. 



Dear Specialists, 

I can’t seem to remember what my homework is and never turn it in on time.  I also forget when my tests are supposed to be.  Help! 

-Forgetful Franny


Specialist 1’s Answer:

I would recommend teaming up with a friend. Both of you should stay organized by writing down assignments alone, but you should use each other to check in on upcoming dates—maybe to even study together! The added accountability always helps.


Specialist 2’s Answer:

Franny, this is an easy fix, and it’s fun because you can find techniques that work best for you!  Personally, I keep a physical whiteboard for my weekly plans and a separate board for daily goals and homework.  By seeing a visual representation of my schedule, I am always on time for events and know exactly which assignments need to be completed that day.  Also, the Sticky Notes application on the laptops are a great way to quickly put down due dates before you forget them.


Specialist 3’s Answer:

Forgetting homework is another very common problem, but there are many solutions, so don’t stress! Some ways I like to remember my homework is to write it down as soon as the teacher says it on a designated word document or sticky note. Even though you might think you’ll remember it and there’s no need to do that, it’s still a good habit just in case. Another good tool is to use the calendar on canvas. Several classes put assignment due dates on there, so that’s always a good place to check. Finally—if you forgot to write it down and it’s not on the canvas calendar, try texting a friend who is in your class what the homework is! Everyone forgets sometimes, and asking a friend is not a bad way to figure out what your homework is. 



Dear Specialists, 

I am a 100% virtual student this year but doing school at home has been a challenge for me. I find it hard to focus during my classes on Teams; sometimes I am even doing something else entirely while in the meeting. What can I do to stay focused and keep up with my classes? 

-Virtual Von 


Specialist 1’s Answer:

Hey Von! Virtual has been really hard on students this year, so I’m sorry to hear that! I recommend moving to a focused environment that’s quiet, and setting your phone in a different room. Try to avoid taking classes in your bedroom, as the closed door and bed can make relaxing all-too-easy. Good luck!


Specialist 2’s Answer:

I totally understand, Von.  It is hard to focus on class virtually.  I recommend putting your phone on the other side of the room and closing all tabs that may be distracting to the lesson.  Also, consider turning your camera on, that way you’re held accountable for paying attention to the screen.  Lastly, be sure to nod, smile, and make faces as though you are in class.  It helps you pay attention to and process information.   


Specialist 3’s Answer:

One major factor for all-virtual students is their phone. It is very helpful to leave your phone in another room rather than having it with you, as it can easily create a distraction. I’m sure that, like you (and me), many virtual students find themselves playing a game or on social media during their classes. Removing the distractions is often a good solution. Not only that, but try to find a quiet, designated space where you can attend your classes and do your work. A good workspace always helps improve focus.