Teacher Profile: Mrs. Peloquin

January 7, 2021
CSP: What class(es) do you teach? What motivated you to teach it/them?
KP: This year I am teaching Honors and Practical Biology. I love biology and science, and wanted to share that passion with others. I just find it so interesting to be able to understand how our world and all life in it is inter-connected and all the processes that allow us to be alive.
CSP: How long have you been a teacher at CB West? Did you use to teach at another school?
KP: This is my second year at West, but my 6th year in CB. I have taught in every secondary building in the district except for Tamanend.
CSP: What high school did you attend? Which college?
KP: I went to West (it is the best!!). I went to High Point University (in North Carolina) for my bachelors degree in Sports Medicine. I have a masters in Sport Management from California University of Pennsylvania, and a masters in Teaching Learning and Curriculum from Drexel University.
CSP: What do you think about the virtual/hybrid schooling system right now? What is the biggest challenge, as a teacher?
KP: I miss seeing all the students and the business that happens during a normal school day. It is so quiet in the school right now. The biggest challenge for me is feeling connected to my students (and making sure they feel connected to me).
CSP: What are some of your favorite ‘quarantine hobbies’?
KP: Reading! I forgot how much I love to read! I have started doing yoga a few times a week. I have also really enjoyed just hanging out with my family and enjoying our backyard.
CSP: Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?
KP: I have 9 pets! I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 rabbit (who is usually at school with me, but… COVID), and 5 chickens.
CSP: Do you host/advise any clubs here at CB West? What inspired you to do so?
KP: I am the advisor for the ski club. I enjoy skiing (especially with my girls) and was part of the ski club when I was in middle and high school. I wanted to be more involved in school, and this seemed like a great fit.
CSP: How come you chose to become a teacher?
KP: This is a second career for me. I was an athletic trainer, which I loved, but always felt something was missing. After several years in management, I did some soul searching and knew I was meant to teach. I love being able to watch students make connections to their learning, and see them struggle with a concept and then the excitement and satisfaction of overcoming that challenge.
CSP: As a biology teacher, what is your favorite topic within biology?
KP: I love genetics! It is my favorite thing to teach. It is mind boggling to think every that makes us who we are comes from a unique combination of 4 little base pairs repeated thousands of times. Add in the heredity component and solving Punnett squares and pedigrees to see how traits are passed in families over generations – it is fascinating to me!
CSP: What are some of your favorite foods?
KP: Chicken francaise or penne with vodka sauce are my two favorite dinners. For snacks, my top choices are cheese and crackers or air popped popcorn. Yum!
CSP: Finally, what is one thing you want your students to know about you?
KP: I may not be the loud, extroverted teacher, but I care deeply about my students. Once you are in my class, I consider you one of “my kids”, and hope you will stay in touch. I love to hear about your successes as you move beyond my classroom.